Submit your comments in support of offshore wind

The NJ Board of Public Utilties (BPU) is accepting comments on the 4th offshore wind solicitation proposal. Given the amount of misinformation that has been spread about offshore wind, we are urging sustainable business leaders to individually submit pro-offshore wind comments at this link. The deadline to submit comments is 3pm today, March 27th.

Below are some sample comments you can use as a guide, or it can be as simple as “I support the development of offshore wind in New Jersey”:


I support offshore wind development off the Jersey coast because a strong offshore wind industry will create thousands of well-paying union jobs. Transitioning to a clean energy future isn’t just a win for the environment — it’s a win for local businesses, the many union members who will be put to work and to New Jersey’s overall economy. New Jersey’s highly trained workforce is ready to step up to the plate and deliver clean, offshore wind to millions of families across our region. I commend the New Jersey BPU for its efforts to support economic development so far and ask you to proceed quickly to ensure that New Jersey workers and communities see the benefits.

Environmental Justice

I support offshore wind development because the transition to clean energy is key to combating the systemic racism that has forced low-income communities and families of color to disproportionately bear the brunt of pollution for generations. Communities of color and low-wealth communities suffer higher rates of asthma, heart disease, and cancer because they are located close to power plants that burn dirty fossil fuels. Investing in offshore wind won’t just fight climate change, it will also help people of color and urban residents breathe easier. I call on the New Jersey BPU to do whatever it can to accelerate our transition to a clean energy future to protect the health and welfare of New Jersey’s most vulnerable communities.


I support offshore wind development because a transition to clean energy won’t just fight climate change, it will also help improve the air New Jerseyans breathe. While our state’s air has improved in recent decades, it still ranks among the worst in the nation. We need to invest in offshore wind to bring relief to people who suffer from asthma, heart disease and other medical conditions. The transition to cleanly produced offshore wind will bring particular benefits to those most at risk of heart and lung conditions: children and seniors. I’m calling on the New Jersey BPU to act quickly to secure our clean energy future to protect the health of an entire generation of children.

Please use this link to submit your comments.

Thank you for helping to amplify the business voice in support of offshore wind.