Join us on Thursday, April 22 at 5:15 PM for a free webinar on the Business of Sustainability: People, Profits, Planet. Sustainable Business is not a single, unified field of study. New discoveries or developments in sustainability may be the natural outcome of R&D, or arrive as a product of research in Climate Science, or be launched as a market driven innovation such as increases in efficiencies in engineering processes. Proper Sustainable Development is a sum composed of individually lesser parts, each building on each other to create a greater whole. Modern sustainability experts know that many tasks that are possible today were considered pure fantasy, or the stuff of daydreams a decade or two into the past. To hear from Gary Sondermeyer, Corey Nelson, Richard Lawton, April Schetler, MS, RD, FAND, Maria Emerson, and Jordan P. Howell and participate in the Q&A session, Register here.
Jennifer Maden
THE BUSINESS OF SUSTAINABILITY: Profits, People, and the Planet