Clean Water is Good For Business

The Clean Water is Good for Business Campaign understands the economic and environmental importance of having reliably clean water. The financial success of our businesses and the overall health of the communities within which we operate depend on it.

The Delaware River Basin is a valuable ecological and economic resource that supplies drinking water to five percent of the population of the United States. The Delaware basin contributes over $22 billion in annual economic activity supports 600,000 direct/ indirect jobs with $10 billion in wages in the coastal, farm, ecotourism, water/wastewater, ports and recreation industries. Even companies that do not directly rely on the basin to create their products need it to fulfill their day-to-day functions, as clean water is necessary to keep employees healthy and productive. Yet, water runoff and other contamination problems continue to threaten the Delaware River Watershed.

We believe:

  • Clean water is a priority in the Delaware River Watershed and across the country. We as a society need to place more emphasis on the importance of clean water to our economy, our environment, and our quality of life.
  • All water resources – including upstream sources like streams, wetlands, and other water bodies — must be protected, as all are essential to the functioning natural system. Successful protection will require a collaborative, regional approach while managing and treating water locally to maintain the local water balance, recharge aquifers, reduce water consumption, and reduce waste loads to the surrounding environment.
  • Public and private spending to improve protections for the Delaware River Watershed is an economic necessity.
  • Investment in clean, smart water technology and other market-based solutions are key tools to protect the Delaware River Watershed while simultaneously creating jobs and strengthening our economy.
  • Protecting, managing and restoring land in the Delaware River Basin is crucial to a healthy watershed.
  • Water quality data should be collected freely and shared easily between municipal, state, and federal government agencies, private entities and the public.

Join the partnership coalition. Help us protect the Delaware River Watershed. 
